Customer (Angelina M) - 01/29/2007 07:35 AM
Imagine 2 characters - char1 and char2. char1 recomends char2. If char1 will try to recomend char2 again - apears message, that he can't recomend same
char more than one time per day. But if char1 or char2 will relogin, then char1 will be able to recomend char2 again.
So, my question is: it's a bug or just game issue?
Response (GM Alan)
01/29/2007 09:19 AM
Dear Angelina,
Thanks for contacting Lineage II E-mail Support.
We would like to inform you that this recommendation issue is known to us and our development team is working on it. It will be fixed in future updates.
We will be delighted to assist you for any query/concern.
Customer (Angelina M)
01/29/2007 09:27 AM
So, as I understood, it is a bug and I shouldn't use it and nobody does?
Response (GM Alan)
01/29/2007 10:12 AM
Dear Angelina,
Thanks for contacting Lineage II E-mail Support.
We do not appreciate players getting involved in these activities. We suggest players not to take unfair advantage of the game. However, if you find someone doing so, please feel free to let us know the name(s). We will be dealing with them accordingly.
Please let us know if we could be at any further service to you.